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2.7 Million Carats Promise To Get The 2014 By Gembel Diamonds Belgium

2.7 Million Carats Promise To Get The 2014 By Gembel Diamonds Belgium

Here Prabodh Mehta, a prestigious diamond merchant innkeeper of gembel in Belgium promises the jewel industry to bring the year of 2014 with 2.7 million carats of diamonds by incipient more researches, corporate collaborations with prominent segments of jewel industry.

2.7 Million Carats Promise To Get The 2014 By Gembel Diamonds Belgium

2.7 Million Carats Promise To Get The 2014 By Gembel Diamonds Belgium

Diamond Company “Gembel European Sales NV in Belgium” reported the pearl industry on the contact of the year General Director of “Gembel Diamonds”, Prabodh Mehta spoke about the impression of venture in 2013, and plans for the coming year, informs to diamonds merchants in different regions of the macrocosm “In 2013, the company’s club of” Gembel diamonds in belgium” has been involved in the researches of new diamonds with shrill and colorful device with atypical designs In the brief term, that is in 2014, in addition to working at these facilities, the experts of Gembel entrust be put into operation immediately into three fields comprised of researches on new diamonds, organizing diamond events and involving in gap new segments of Gembel in various realm of the totality

In 2013, the crew of Prabodh Mehta in Belgium put emphasized on researches on different diamonds with gold and silver combination where now in 2014 will undertaking to retain association with disreputable mining centers and fresh prestigious diamond merchants in rule to augment its diamond businesses in all across the cosmos

Monetary value of fiscal and economic indicators of “Prabodh Mehta Gembel” for 2013:

  • Revenue from sales of midpoint 6 billion rubles, which is 1.5 percent higher than targets
  • Net benefit amounted to RUR 1.4 billion – 7 percent more than planned.
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    In 2014 juncture should be fundamentally different:

  • Revenue from sales of products, according to the company’s plans, leave have 10 billion rubles
  • The entangle advantage bequeath symbol to 2.7 billion rubles Dynamics as compared with 2013 year.
  • All these figures and news depict how best Prabodh Mehta takes his diamond gang on the finest of the guide Since from its inception in 1957 till now the Gembel has really made out of its committed services Whether it is necklace, bangles, rings or any additional earth of jewelry Gembel diamonds are always remain on its elite while offering the cosmos with lofty diamonds.

    The band was established in the year of 1957 by Late Kirtilal Mehta who was the elite to take the work from India to Belgium Since then the crew has showed its best in delivering the TRUE diamonds The troupe of Gembel is endorsed by RJC – Responsible Jewellery Council; an sanction that is chrgeable for authorizing the brilliant bunch On getting the accreditation, Prabodh Mehta uttered that it is a mammoth honor for Gembel European Sales NV to have RJC warrant this consign make us supplementary strict and committed towards our services. On the occasion, Prabodh Mehta also added that we are on the procedure to bring other stylish and amazing mouthful of colorful diamonds

    Thus, if you are looking to buy pure diamonds then procure connected with Prabodh Mehta Gembel that commit move your singularity under spindle Whether it is birthday anniversary, marital time or any further issue or work gain together; Gembel Diamonds in pink, purple, yellow, white or many additional here you consign find fashionable collections of diamonds that leave make your shadow to shine